Summer Lupines

Fourth of July Events and Sunrise Updates

The 4th of July in the Killington area brings lots of folksy, farm style, family-fun activities. Come up to Sunrise to get in on 4th of July, Vermont style. The weather promises to be in the low to mid 70’s with a slight chance of thunderstorms. Below are links to the local 4th of July celebration events.

Sunrise fireworks

4th of July Events:
Town of Killington:




Grill Reminder
Please note that gas and charcoal grills are NOT ALLOWED IN ANY MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS having three or more units. This is a Vermont State Law, and if violated heavy penalty fines will be assessed to Sunrise and the unit owner by the Vermont State Fire Marshall. Single family homes and duplex homeowners may have gas and charcoal grills.

There is a gas grill set up by the patio area next to the outdoor pool. It is a lovely venue for having a barbeque picnic with great seating and views.

Outdoor Pool and Hot Tub Update
The outdoor pool will be heated starting this 4th of July weekend. The outdoor pool and hot tub will be open and available from 10 am to 8 pm. The indoor facilities will still maintain the summer hours of 9 am to 5 pm. Please feel free to use the outdoor pool and amenities until 8 pm. We only request that you close the table umbrellas upon departure, and clean up your party’s food and trash.